Dress Code
All students and staff wear business attire. Our students say this is a change from their previous school and makes a big difference to their mindset being in a professional environment.  
All are expected to dress in a business, boardroom professional manner, wearing smart formal shoes with either a shirt and tie with a suit or with formal trousers and tailored jacket; or formal trousers, a skirt or dress of reasonable length with a smart top and tailored jacket. Staff and students are expected to wear their lanyards at all times.
Hoodie ٠ Trainers ٠ T-shirt ٠ Branded clothing ٠ Jeans ٠ Polo shirts ٠ LeggingsÂ
For Year 10 and 11 PE lessons, students are required to wear a UTC Oxfordshire polo shirt with plain shorts, plain leggings, plain tracksuit or jogging bottoms.
Science students need a UTC Oxfordshire white labcoat and safety glasses.
Engineering students need a UTC Oxfordshire blue over coat, safety glasses and safety shoes.
The branded items can be purchased here: UTC Branded Clothing. Please do not purchase the trainer style safety shoe as this is not in line with our dress code.
If you cannot order the items on the website above, please call the store as they are able to take orders over the phone or in-store.
Year 10
Year 12