Your School Health NurseÂ
Secondary schools within Oxfordshire have a named NHS School Health Nurse. The aim of the School Nurse is to offer evidence based, accessible, preventative health care for children and young people.Â
My name is Sara, and I am the School Health Nurse for UTC Oxfordshire. Â
Tel: 07388382745Â
Email sara.skidmore@oxfordhealth.nhs.ukÂ

I am based at UTC on a Tuesday 0830-1530 term time only. In the school holidays, students can contact a school health nurse using ChatHealth; please text 07312263084. Parents/carers please call 07769235149 or email- SHN.Oxfordshire@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
I work closely with school staff and other professionals to support students to be both physically and emotionally healthy; make informed healthy lifestyle choices and to reach their full potential.
(For first aid/medical support please inform a member of school staff or go to reception)
Examples of what your School Health Nurse can offer include:
- Someone to talk to confidentially about your health, including your physical health, emotional health, sexual health and general wellbeing or any other health related topics.
- Advice and support around healthy choices (e.g. keeping safe, drugs, alcohol, quitting smoking, exercise, maintaining healthy growth/weight, dental health).
- Contraception advice, emergency contraception, condoms, pregnancy testing, chlamydia screening and treatment.
- Providing information and signposting to specialist services which may be able to support you.
If we cannot help, we will find someone who can.
The school nursing service is not an emergency service. If you or a friend need urgent help, please contact a member of staff on site, who will help you to get the support needed. If you are off site in the case of an emergency, please call 999.
 If you are need of emergency contraception outside of the school nurses working hours, please attend your GP practice, local sexual health clinic or local pharmacy as soon as you can – visit www.oxme.info or https://www.sexualhealthoxfordshire.nhs.uk/ for more details.

 The School Health Nursing service is a confidential service for Children and Young People.  This means you can discuss personal information with us in the trust it will not be shared with anyone else without your permission unless we feel that you or another may be at risk of harm.  If information needs to be shared, we will always try to discuss this with you first so that you know why and what will happen.
Year 10
Year 12