Speak Up Speak Out

In our school, we are all safe, respected and heard because we Speak Up, Speak Out


Speak Up, Speak Out is a Trust-wide campaign designed to ensure that all students feel safe and happy at school, and know what to do if they, or someone they know, isn’t.  It combines many strands, including our PSHE curriculum, safeguarding, anti-bullying and respectful behaviours. It involves assemblies, tutor sessions, posters around school and even staff training, and flows through into our behaviour rewards and sanctions systems.

Our student-led manifesto, which will be uploaded here once written with our student board, outlines how we all want to behave and work together, and will be distilled into posters and screens you can see as you walk around our school.

If, as a student, parent, governor or visitor to our school, you see something, please report it to a member of the safeguarding team (who wear special lanyards), a tutor, teacher or any adult you trust.  We also have Whisper, an anonymous service that lets you report a problem to our team. 


Whisper is the new anonymous service that lets you report a problem you may have at school or at home, whether it be bullying, cyber bullying, issues at home or concerns about other fellow students.

This service may be used by students, staff or parents/carers.

There are two ways to report a concern:

Via the web form 

1. Use the link: https://swgfl.org.uk/whisper/uto1/

2. Fill in the form to submit a new report

3. You will be given a unique chat URL through which you can respond to any responses you receive to your report

You can enter your email address if you wish to be notified when your report receives a response. Your email address will remain anonymous and will only be used by the system to notify you of any response to your report.


1. Text the UTO1+ your message to 07860 021 323 (e.g. “UTO1 There is a problem”)

2. You will receive confirmation that your message was received

3. You can reply to any responses you receive to offer more information to your report

Your mobile number will remain anonymous, and will only be used by the system to notify you of any response to your report.


Year 10


Year 12


Executive Principal's Welcome


Look Around


Facilities Hire


What is a UTC?


Senior Leadership Team


Our Trust


Results, Destinations & Ofsted






Speak up Speak out


Staff Vacancies


Curriculum Intent


Year 10 & 11 Study


Year 12 & 13 Study






Our Partners


Working with Industry


Digital Futures Programme


Become a Partner


Information for Parents/Carers


Term Dates




The Working Day






Send & Safeguarding


